Habitat for Humanity Work Days
The build dates for the Habitat for Humanity Presbyterian Cluster house are Fridays and Saturdays through March 22, 2025. Dedication Day is April 12th.
Mark your calendars!
The build dates for the Habitat for Humanity Presbyterian Cluster house are Fridays and Saturdays through March 22, 2025. Dedication Day is April 12th.
Mark your calendars!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry has weekly opportunities to knit or crochet. Monday's group meets at the NPC every week in the Sunflower Room from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Come join us and share your skills as we create shawls to extend our prayers of joy and comfort while we share fellowship with each other. Contact Judy Harris or Marilyn Juarez for more information.
The PW study in 2024 will be “Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation” All women are welcome to join a Circle!
The Morning Circle meets on the 2nd Friday at 10:00 am in the Grace Room
The Saturday Circle meets on the 2nd Saturday at 9:30 am in the Sunflower Room
The Evening Circle meets on the 2nd Monday at 6:30 pm at members’ homes
Grieving Change and Loss:
The unpredictable, non-linear, faith-filled journey toward resurrection.
Please join us for a weekly devotional via Zoom
Thursdays March 13th - April 17th, 2025 at 12:00 noon
To sign-up for the Zoom link, please email office@npcsa.org
A free community concert at Northwood Presbyterian Church
Featuring singer-songwriter Scott Duncan and Americana gospel group the Sally Cowan Band.
Influenced by Gordon Lightfoot, John Prine, and Harry Chapin, Scott Duncan’s entertaining performances are a blend of lyrical, insightful songwriting and storytelling. Scott is a two-time Kerrville New Folk finalist. Sally Cowan is from Comfort, Texas and brings a passion for gospel, bluegrass, roots country, and all things Americana.
The concert is sponsored by Music at Northwood and is free and open to the public; however, donations are gratefully received.
Join us for worship during Holy Week.
Palm Sunday Worship - April 13th - 11:00 am
Maundy Thursday Worship - April 17th - 6:30 pm
Easter Sunday Worship - April 20th - 11:00 am
Worship, every Sunday at 11:00 am
Join us!
Join us for Men’s Breakfast - second Saturday of the month!
in the Fellowship Hall
Spring Gathering ~ Joy on the Journey
Start thinking about the Presbyterian Women’s Spring Retreat at Mo Ranch!
Join us for worship and the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Join us in Worship for Mardi Gras Big Band Music!
Bexar Brass is dedicated to carrying on the traditions of New Orleans jazz and group improvisation, while incorporating the traditional sounds of San Antonio.
Sunday March 2nd, 2025 in the Fellowship Hall
Food will be provided
We meet the 4th Sunday of the month at 6:00 pm, and we will be hosted February 23 next at the Byers home.
Our upcoming books are:
February: The Briar Club ~ Kate Quinn
March: Table for Two ~ Amor Towles
April: The First Emma ~ CAamille DiMaio
Bring a potluck dish or hors d'oeuvre or dessert. The host will provide beverages. Friends are welcomed, and even if you did not read or finish the books, you are welcome to join!
Join us for Bunco and lunch after Worship!
Bring your favorite casserole and come join the fun! Please sign up and join us for an enjoyable evening program of song and delicious food!
A Bluegrass Service
A special ‘back in the holler band’ will pick and grin us through our eager wait for the birth of Jesus. Bring your handclaps and knee slaps!
Advent Lessons & Carols
Entitled “Heaven Sung!”, this English style choral service is a wonderful way to invoke the season in both preparation and celebration. Northwood choir members will be joined by members of the Musica Sacra Choir and the San Antonio Academy Boys Choir.
An additional service will be offered by Musica Sacra at 3:00 at Little Flower Basilica. All faiths are welcome!
All are invited to share fellowship while enjoying a meal following worship. Have you had a hamburger lately? ...How about an Ice Cream Sundae? ...Sound good?
Looking forward to seeing you!
Hanging of the Greens
Sunday, November 24th at 12:00 noon
Join us to decorate for Advent! Snacks will be provided.
On Saturday November 2nd at 9:30-12:00 noon, we will be having another Children's Music Workshop at Northwood.
All children, ages 4-12, are invited. The group will share their music in Worship on Sunday November 3rd.
Be sure and let us know so we have enough of everything: office@npcsa.org or 210-824-7238.
Mark your calendars Sunday, October 27 for Northwood Presbyterian Church’s annual Halloween Fun Fest and “Trunk or Treat” with games and crafts and food and music!
At 5:45, listen to music of the Aaron Prado Trio!
In worship on October 27th, we will feature special jazz music with guest musician Aaron Prado.
Be sure and bring your music-loving friends!
Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services
Dare to Dream luncheon to benefit the children of PCHaS
October 22, 2024 at 12:00 noon
San Antonio Country Club
4100 N. New Braunfels Avenue, 78209
To join Northwood’s reserved table call Judy H
Blessing of the Animals
Bring your pet to church!
Northwood Presbyterian Women take you to
Corpus Christi and Port Aransas
3 days and nights with your PW friends and family
Mark your calendars for September 29th as we are planning a Fall Picnic on the Lawn event to be held after worship service.
It will be catered with choices for four types of sandwiches. There is a sign up sheet in the narthex for you to sign up and order what type of sandwich you would like.
Here I am, Lord ~ Answering God’s Call
August 24, 2024 ~ 9:00 am
Join us for an inspirational program by Joyce Taylor
373 Howard St, New Braunfels, TX
See your Cluster Leader for Details or Sign up here:
With the school year fast approaching NPC will be having a Back to School Backpack Drive for Northwood Elementary School. We will be looking for K-5 grade boys and girls backpacks. While the backpacks are the priority, any NEISD elementary school list supplies would be welcome as well. There will be a blessing of the backpacks on August 11th during worship service and the backpacks will be delivered to the school that first week of school, August 12th.
Be looking for the donation drop area in the Narthex.
Please come join us in celebrating our nations’ freedom, Thursday, July 4th.
Along with the Oak Park - Northwood Neighborhood Association, we will have tables and trucks with fun and food. There will be all kinds of games and activities.
Opening Ceremonies begin at 9:00 am, Parade at 9:30 am and all on-site activities begin at 10:00 am. See y’all there!
There will be a NPC Church Clean-up Day in May. Be looking for your work gloves! Date and details will be posted soon...
YARD WORK: Bring your chain saws and tools to tame our flower beds and those tacky shrubs
CLEAN UP, CLEAR OUT IN-HOUSE: Come prepared to dust, trash, and organize, showing pride in our Northwood Church home.
The Connections Team is having a Fiesta Taco Bar lunch in the Fellowship Hall, following worship service on April 28rd. There will be a sign up sheet so that we can know how many tables to set up.
On Saturday March 30th at 9:30-11:30 am, we will be having another Children's Music Workshop at Northwood.
All children, ages preK through 8th grade, are invited. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for participants immediately after!
Be sure and let us know so we have enough of everything: npc@satx.rr.com.
On Saturday, March 23 at 4:00 PM, Musica Sacra San Antonio, under the direction of Owen Duggan, will present a concert entitled Two Brothers of Different Mothers, a choral concert of Mexican and German composers, recognizing two founding cultures in South Texas.
The concert will be at Northwood Presbyterian Church. A reception will follow with appetizers and non-alcoholic drinks typical of the two cultures. The concert is free and open to people of all faiths, although a free-will donation of $20 is suggested.
Sunday February 25th, 12:00 noon
Come enjoy a meal with your best partners!
Food will be provided: hot dogs, chili, chips, salad, and dessert
University Presbyterian Church and The SoL Center
300 Bushnell Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212
Invite You to a Free Movie Screening
Sunday, February 18, 2024 - 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
In worship on February 11th, we will feature a special music with guest musicians Aaron Prado on keyboard and Dave Woodard on trombone.
Be sure and bring your music-loving friends!