Mission & service
Please contact Anne Little.
Publicize PCUSA annual offerings, deliver food to Agape Ministries; give a moment or Mission talk.
christian education
Please contact Karissa Arnett.
Teach a class, help with Vacation Bible School, work in the church library, help lead youth events, provide food, serve as a chaperone, lead a youth program, help lead Children’s Church; & work on the Fiesta Parades.
building & grounds
Please contact Jennifer Rivera.
Open and close the building; help with landscaping and grounds; participate in church work days.
Please contact Nancy Byers.
Host a fellowship event; prepare food; set up and decorate, help in the kitchen, help with 4th of July community celebration.
Please contact Sheron Antczak
Deliver flowers, minister to the home bound, help setup/host memorial receptions, provide food.
pastoral care
Please contact Vanessa Mueller
Serve as Worship Leader, usher or greeter; give children’s message, work audio-video during worship,